Empowering teachers and leaders to develop high-performing, learning-centered, equitable schools
Education Reimagined
Teacher effectiveness – not theoretical, bureaucratic constructs – has rapidly risen to the top of educational priorities in a new era of reform and revitalization for our schools. Is the system broken? Bold steps are now under consideration to not only enhance the system but to embolden a “new normal” of equitable, high performing schools throughout the U.S.
Evolution Alliance was formed by a team of education consultants who experienced years of frustration working in calcified, inequitable education systems. We knew research existed that could transform educational systems if organizations could just focus on what matters most for students: locally relevant, engaged learning in which rigor was concrete and achievable. Our greatest desire is, and has always been, to help educators evolve to their highest capacity in support of authentic learning experiences for children. The solution is based in simplicity: Support high quality, student-centered instruction based on prioritized standards and measured by balanced assessment systems; this will yield deeper, more robust learning which creates high-performing, more equitable schools. To this end, Evolution Alliance has developed a next generation software tool designed with inclusion in mind. It is embedded in a collaborative process, called CogKnow, the Metacognitive Standards Prioritizer (MSP) – developed to save teachers time as they plan for instruction while saving leaders time as they reference standards and rigor during formative “walk-throughs” and summative evaluations
What We Do

Professional Development
We provide highly interactive, customized professional development differentiated by client needs with concrete, actionable steps for implementing innovative, high leverage strategies that increase equitable practices and provide measurable results.

CogKnow MSP
(Metacognitive Standards Prioritizer)
Our revolutionary, cloud-based collaborative tool uses five factors to prioritize standards and localize the learning needs of students with unit, weekly, and daily lesson plans that back maps levels of rigor to increase equitable practices. It provides leaders with a dashboard of completion rates and creates reference points for walkthroughs. It also provides a teacher, building, and district level framework for taking action on evidence to guide instruction.
“If we taught babies to talk as most skills are taught in school, they would memorize lists of sounds in a predetermined order and practice them alone in a closet.”
“Bureaucratic solutions to problems of practice will always fail because effective teaching is not routine, and students are not passive, and questions of practice are not simple, predictable, or standardized. Consequently, instructional decisions cannot be formulated on high then packaged and handed down to teachers.”
– Linda Darling-Hammond
Professor at Stanford Graduate School of Education
President and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute.